chez Agnès
stupid idiotic quote!!
Saturday, April 23, 2005 my title says..i find this quote very stupid..if you love someone..let him/her go...

have been thinking 'bout it the whole day..bleah! if you love someone, how could you let the person go? unless you are some very selfless person or the person does not have feelings for you anymore..if you're the former..shame on you! why should you let something you treasure so much slip from your ain't selfless no are stupid! if you're the latter..shouldn't you feel angry at all? you should feel like slapping or stabbing the that's not torturous should go disfigure the person!

sigh sigh..what a stupid quote and yet it's used ALL the time..please banish this quote please! banish it from the sight of this earth!! away with you!

so much for my sis' friends want to buy my earrings..and i have gone about quoting prices for her..anyone else interested? they're really gorgeous!

bought a new pair of jeans today..not very excited because i'm not really a jean-sy person..prefer i'm going to grab more at the next mango sale!

checked out my dream phone looked kinda big lae..but still interested..but the current price has risen to a mighty 598 bucks..and my agent hasn't banked in the money i earned from my previous slow..i want my bank account to look like it has plenty of money lae...who doesn't anyway..-_-

and wish has not come true..why oh why?