chez Agnès
Monday, May 16, 2005
yeah..had a real irritating day! had tons and tons of work to do all at the same time! phone kept ringing somemore! can't stand this woman at my workplace anymore..just because i did something for her she just keeps giving more and more work..and she always says thanks and ask in such a nice manner that i cannot reject her..but it's irritating lar! argh!!!

and she doesn't clean up her mess! she'd always come to my counter and use all the stationary and not put them back! i know i'm whining but i need to let out steam! i don't like her voice either!!!!!

anyway..this afternoon, this china lady selling pirated vcds came to our office..and carmen..yes there's house of wax and it costs 3 mighty bucks! but there's no more stock..available only nxt monday! and there's lotsa blue films too...haa...oh..that sounds wrong..erm...whatever..

just read my friend's blog entry and it was just so so sweet esp. when i know both the guy and the gal..sigh..ydae night was terrible..all the gd memories started flooding back..wish it'd stay far far away...

anyway..made a really nice pair of earrings proud of it! will post pics of it one day..haa...anyway..there's survivor today!! finale le! and desparate housewives!

damn tired on the bus just now..luckily i didn't drool saliva..was flattened against the window..but oh my! slept until real shuang!

and guess what? i'm only coming in nxt month......