chez Agnès
for the sake of it
Friday, March 17, 2006
here to post photos before they build up or become extinct!

and shit! i don't have photos of me and puaysian blading! cause my phone died on me suddenly! irritating..fortunately there was huilin to lend me her phone! the guy to reply asking for a burger!

blading was .................................. PAINFUL

i think i took a pair that was too tight that it bit into my skin! haa..i've two marks at the side of both calves now...

and i'm damn proud of puaysian! haa..his first time blading..he only went with me because he knew i wanted to go so much!

i've tried blading at least five times at ecp before..but when i slid on (okay..more like squeezed my foot to death into) the blades, i just didn't dare to move! i was rolling about like nobody's business..i just clung on to the bench i was previously sitting on..

and puaysian who never bladed before had to pull me onto the road! haa..but after 3 lamp posts and a few humps..yeah! i got the hung of it...whee! sher! we go tgt kay???

i give the guy 9/10 for his first try! omg! he was such a fast learner! so irritating!

and when he fell down he just got up straight away! i remembered like screaming and screaming when i fell and wouldn't get up until my friend came to yank me off the floor!

CAKE! was sok hoon's twentieth! my my..and i just turned 19 a mere three months ago...

cake was damn yummy! bengawan solo had yummy cake! *surprise surprise*

and the day before..i had eng tut with annabel sab and huilin! i was early!!! haa..sab was later than me..

she sat beside me so i turned and asked her:


without a beat she replied:

'no..i'm shocked!'


after tutorial sab saw her fave car..she called it a mini cooper...

further down, we saw a slightly larger version of it..

it looked like this....

so sab and annabel were just discussing whether it's a car or a mini mini bus...

then annabel started laughing!

there you go..your answer!

anyway...i've been pondering over this for very long! should i get jackie o shades like nicole richie? spotted this nice pair! but i'm not sure if i'd wear it!