chez Agnès
Monday, April 24, 2006
one long long break from blogging!!!

I'M BACK!!!!! with a truckload of photos!!!!

but i'm getting pissed off with the uploading of photos that i don't think i'm gg to upload all of them! especially the nonsensical ones..haa! u get abit loco from studying too much!

the disgusting pasta and ikea sauce i whipped up earlier tasted as bad it looks! urgh!

lotsa reading to be done!!! haa...found this picture in some thai Hello! magazine...

and that night..two people signed into msn one after the other both having cute cow display pictures....

bernice thumb pointing to a weird shape resembling a fish in her bio notebook...tsk tsk!! doodling during lessons huh...

went swimming one of the days too..think it was the sat after gd friday....

the place was opposite changi meridien hotel...are the coloured balcony boxes for the transsies to be on display? geez!

very kampong-y looking!!

yay...nice pool! it was threatening to rain though....

and look what i found in the midst of all the studying!!!

it was a uber disgusting white curly-whirly hair!!! i got bernice to snip it off right away!!! yeah..that's right! i didn't PLUCK it i'm guarding myself against the pluck one grow two theory!

your best friend during the craze of it all!

CHOCOLATE! i didn't go near this until bernice dug it from the depth of our choc bought way way way way way back....

and while i escaped into the real world once in a long long time....

i saw lotsa adorable stuff...a clown fish practically snuggling deep down into the anemone...

and my mum pointed this to me! a cute gal with a cute bag...

mummy went up to disturb the gal, asking:

'can you help me carry my stuff in your bag?'

and the gal turned around and went:

'NOOOOOOOOOOO' hilarious!

and i had my first two papers on saturday!

yeap! two in a day...

oh! and it was two OPEN-BOOKED papers....

before you start cooing bout how lucky i am....LOOK AT THIS!

what i had to lug to school and back!

in the evening, i went to my aunt's place in sembawang as my aunties and their families were back from overseas! one from from australia!

there's my aunt with her two sons...she has FIVE sons...her eldest is a mighty 13 years of age and she still looks so slim and young!!!

haa..they had accents!!! they were so naughty BUT damn adorable and entertaining!

yeah...i know i'm cut whaaaaaaaaat!!!!

see my two aussie cousins? one's handsome and one's so cute!!!

and bernice being a big kaypo..peeping at my dad's messages!

kay..that's bout it..not alot of stuff happening..been holing myself up and studying alot!

the lsm paper on sat was a killer!!!! argh! i was hoping that that would be my first A!! oh no oh no oh no....oh well! at least two down!

two more to chin up! dreaded physio's next! lotsa memorising to do! so no blogging until next wed!!!

be back soon!

til then...enjoy my gigantuous forehead!