i did not do what i planned to the night before. bah! woke up at 1 plus plus in the afternoon when my sis returned from school.... -___-
so the only things i managed to accomplished was watch desperate and grey's before being hustled by an ever-punctual bernice out of the house.
went to meet my mum at city hall...
my mum is terrified of the overhead bridge leading from citylink to suntec (she has this hunch that it's so going to collaspe one day) so we made a detour via marina square.
and we saw this canberra fair.. saw jaehee's gal there. sort of forgotten her name. lots and lots of tulips there for you to gawk at. i wonder how much they cost.
went to the pc fair. where i spotted puaysian at his canon booth!
and serena at her creative booth. shucks! i look terrible here! *sulks* someone forbidded me to put up the other one.
and someone's lavishly decorated butterflies...
and bernice's plain ones..
the canberra fair! woohoo..lotsa colourful balloons!
how different we look..are we even sisters?
going home without anything. i hate that.
the next day which happens to be today. i went back to the pc show to get the ZEN neeon from serena as she could get it for me at staff price. bought the purple one which was only 512 mb cuz i didn't like the 1 gb colour which is blue. blue and black? nah..i wanted the silver one which was 2 gb and serena had such a great offer on it but guess what? SOLD OUT!
walked to work after that..OMG! my office is freaking near suntec. like maybe ten mins walk? look! i can see it from the other suntec overhead.
as i walked closer, the dhl balloon got bigger. gals! pester your boyfriend to take you for a air balloon ride! it's just beside the gateway.
at work. with the huge mastercard signage behind.
in the evening when i was walked once again to suntec to gather my goods, the balloon was flying high in the evening skies....
yay! i got my own mp3! no more fighting with bernice..
it took a really time before i could see the mp3 itself. another plain white box inside the colourful one.
and then lotsa guidebooks and stuff.
looking good!
haa..on the outside of the box, i just found out there's a mystery stik-on inside.
why did i have to get some mambo monster?
and i got the headphones which was slashed from $129 to $65 with purchase of any mp3s! yay! what a good deal..
band again tmrw..hmm! but sleepover with the wasbe peeps after that! whee!