chez Agnès
emo emo
Monday, December 10, 2007
Where do tears come from, some underskin vault?
these flash floods of feelings we cant seem to halt.
these wordless expressions that leak down our cheek
perhaps it's the heart longing to speak.

-steward henderson-

got this off a friend's blog. oh and these are such apt words to describe tears. tears seemed to describe a great deal of feelings. everything from sadness, anger, embarassment to even happiness. but so often are they used to describe feelings of sadness that the phrase "tears of joy" sounds alien to me.
been crying a little too much these days for my liking.
it's the hormones at this time of the month. argh! i even get soppy from watching SATC.
omg what's wrong with me.
oh maybe it's my heart trying to say something that my head just won't let..