my sis and i have came up with the perfect work arrangement! (well in my opinion..i hope it's mutual though.) she works the mornings and i work the afternoons!
well this way i can sleep late, do my own stuff at night, go out with friends at night and most imptly not wake up early.
likewise she can work and be in the city to meet her friends in the afternoon! and we can gossip bout people in the office at night! haha..happiness and blissss...
was supposed to accomplish soo much at home today. was supposed to pack my trip stuff, blog about the trip and sew a skirt! but was awakened by a phone call at around noon asking me to head down to work. thing is this company sort of block my sis and mine schedule months before. to cover their receptionist while she's on leave. and at the start of the month, my job agent called to say that it's cancelled. blurgh..turns out that it's some relative of the receptionist who we got cancelled for! urgh..the Ms! well she bailed on them today heh...
headed down to greg's after work for a jog. alex came later to gym. i still find it a huge mystery why guys gym. the things they do seemed pretty hilarious to me. haha.
didn't know we were going for supper so i didn't tell my mum to not cook my share. so she was pretty angry i guess. insisting that i've to finish up the leftovers or bin it at my own conscience. )): was feeling a little uneasy until she sent me a msg saying, "dont let the lizard invade the table" haha soooo cute!
and simpang is still the best place in the east for prata ((: murtabak seems even nicer than tampines' one..hear that carmieee?
okay i seem to be nodding off now and i'm still in my stinky jogging clothes....