chez Agnès
still pooped
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

so finally our second test at work is over. time for a mini breather.

i'm having energy problems. i feel so tired all the time after i knock off from work. i'm not sure if it's the haste of being at outpatient. just yesterday, instead of studying for the test, i decided to take a nap. my mum did attempt to wake me up, but all i recalled doing was to mumble something about needing to recharge myself. woke up at 4am but decided to head back to bed. so in some miraculous ways, i managed to pass the test today.

but i like it over at outpatient. like the friendly banter with the staff. like sneaking into the pantry for little bites. speaking of bites, my appetite has decreased like any. i'm not sure why that is so. but i get very annoyed when people around me question my food intake. i was used to overeating but recently, getting very frequent reflux has made me stop when i'm full. and now it's like getting rid of my gluttony is a crime. zzzzz.

have tons of updates but i guess that'll have to wait because i can feel the sleep monster coming to claim me. and i've been having the most bizarre life-like dreams the last few nights. owells, i guess i'm still an extravagant, idyllic, fairy-tale kinda person at heart. eyelids damm heavy..gdnight world. i hope it rainsss.....