chez Agnès
certain affliction with chow
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

there's only a very thin line between living to eat and plain gluttony.

and i've well and truly crossed the line. it's such a malady that it isn't even funny anymore. just wished i hadn't formed this habit. i've such a lofty story to tell but doing so would put me in dire consequences.

it's time to put my foot down on this repulsive practice. but like all other fixations, starting is oh so easy. quitting is a whole other matter. you tell yourself, right it's pretty simple. just end it, mind over matter. you manage to stay away for a day, feeling oh so proud of yourself. the next time you wake up, you're back at it...with a vengeance. so you learn how to enshroud the happenstances. you spend hours at it, all your energies devoted to it. all your moral obligations forgotten.

so these few evenings, i've been trying so hard to stay away from gravitation. hopefully inking it down will strengthen my resolve. have no inclination to disclose more so pray don't pry alright? (: