chez Agnès
Sunday, May 09, 2010

just updated fb with random pictures of the last one year. wow how far down the chute have i fallen. i wish i've never ever even began. it's time to stop blaming others for what i've become. because regardless of what others have done, i'm the one in control of my own life. no more pathetic excuses.

i'm up at 5am. it's sunday but i have to work. think i overdid the coke. a little caffeine goes a long long way for me. there's rhcp playing in the background. they're pure dope.

estranged from some of the closest people in my life. don't know whether it'll ever get back to being as in the past where life was a naive rainbow bridge. til then, i'll just keep my distance. alright caffeine seems to be weaning off, time to get some rest.