today was a long long day..time passed oh so slowly..sigh..I woke up with a start this morning at 8 am and couldn’t get back to sleep after reading a message from a book until I felt drowsy enough to sleep..have a feeling that I would be moping around for a much longer time.. am feeling very sad inside but I have no idea how come I’d act so happy when I’m talking to afternoon was spent at TM shopping..saw Jacelyn Tay..she’s stunning well as real only happy moment of the day was when I found this polo tee at Espirit..but didn’t buy it in the end as it cost $59 and I don’t like wearing polo tees normally..but it was really nice..hope that it will still be there the next time Espirit has a sale..
when I looked around during the time at TM, I saw no one who attracted me..starting to think that all guys are disgusting and unattractive..even those who had a girl on their arms looked this because I’m feeling down or because I think that he is better than all the other guys…..
the night is passing so slowly!! oh man! I can’t stand it.. why do break-ups have to be so difficult? although we ended our relationship heart still feels broken..