what can people write 'bout everyday when life is boring? but i'll be grateful that life is boring..why should i grumble when i'm so lucky? i've a complete family..i've food on the table for every meal..i've a home and bed to sleep in..i even have my air-con! well..i used to be more fortunate when i had a nice and handsome boyfriend..
well..no complains..i'm going to have to move on in life..it's just difficult lar..DAMN difficult! watched this show..and someone in the show said a woman loses her independence when she has a man to lean on..so so true..oh stop it..i'm sounding philosophical now..and i hate people that are like that..this is bad..
well..life today at work was boring..so shan't write much..summary for you peeps..work eat lunch work..short and sweet!
haa..work after lunch passed so fast because i was so busy..this xxxxxx woman passed me lotsa work to do and she still dare to go home early! pui! leave me no time to read the 8 days and the chinese version that my colleagues pass to me..but there are people at my office that are nice..always dropping by the reception area to chat to me..lotsa those contractors that only speak malay-dialect and bitty of chinese..so kinda difficult for me to understand as my chinese suck..but they brighten up my day('cause they say nice things bout me..lala..)!
find it quite hard to express myself sometimes..part of being independent? nah..yup..sometimes just want to show my concern but i get misunderstood..well..hope u understand in the end..
let's talk 'bout what you hate people doing to you..
i hate people who.... -roll their eyes at me (don't roll too hard..if u're not careful..they can't roll back) -think they're too great to say hi to me (if u're too scared to..it's a different matter but it irks me when it's on purpose-argh!) -turn their voice to irritating mode and then talk to me -act all goody in front of me (yucks!)
still have a long list..but thinking of all these stuff makes me frown..it's irritating!!!
hate it when it's 11 at night..have NOTHING TO DO!!!! bored out of my wits...but if i go to sleep..i feel as it i'm wasting time..guess what? it's 11.02 now..bored bored bored..i finished watching my daniel wu show ydae after desperate housewives already so nothing else to watch on tv..maybe i can rewatch it..he's handsome..even carmen's ma said so..
maybe i should learn to sleep early..like that i'll have more beauty sleep and less eyebags..it's impossible for me to sleep before 12 lar! i can fall asleep at 2 pm..4 pm..6 pm..8 pm..but from 10 to 12..i'm WIDE awake..
lots of thoughts running through my mind now..i so want to get into dentistry..why do i have to screw my interview up? just simple questions 'bout newspaper articles and i can't answer..i hate thinking questions lar! same reason why i hate GP but love writing essays in secondary schools..i love thinking of story-writing essays with a twist..and i'm good at it man..but what's the use..it's not helping my get into dentistry..why don't they just send me the package now with my second choice course..at least i get to look at the hostels and camp stuff..........
the next time i'm going out with my friends would be on thurs..until then...bleah.................
wish they would tell me who they have special feelings for..because it's interesting! wouldn't they have anyone they like? sure have! i'm going to ask them! so if u peeps are reading my blog..prepare for thurs okie?
but it's still 2 nights and 2 days away..bored! oh man..i just peeled off abit of my nail polish..see how bored i am...suddenly thought of the song boulevard of broken dreams by green day..sadist song but i love it..maybe i'm a sadist..i just lova all songs that are sadistic and rock! if u want to listen to a song that makes you forget what you're thinking for a moment..try sum 41-all to blame! a blast!
is there a quote that says you won't learn until you fall? i've fallen and i'm waiting for someone to pick me up...oh! i can just see all your eyes rolling..stop it!