i wish i haven't been so obtrusive since it seems to be bringing more hurt than good. have been really impertinent these days..true some good have came out of it..but who am i to meddle? i'm just one of them fallen ones.
it seems that my head and heart are really two separate entities. been feeling really unhinged the entire day. it was difficult trying to fall asleep last night. and tired as i was, i could not nod off on the train.
thank god for the cheeriness around me. didn't want to but i finally dragged my ass down to LAN with sab, greg and titus. i hope i didn't ruin the game for sab...but i enjoyed supper and the group joyride in titus' pickup after! we managed to take a group photo at one of the red lights..if you squint real hard, you'll see greg's nose behind heeee
and i know you'll be reading this so B and S i hope i haven't made the irreparable more broken. just want the mangled pieces to be picked up.