chez Agnès
my happy, bulging tummy..happy sigh!
Monday, May 11, 2009

saturday saw me rising early to follow my mom to the supermarket for grocery shopping! spent the afternoon baking cupcakes since i've been craving for those that sher made.

finished it up with white choc frosting.

they tasted really good right after they were baked, but sunday saw my grandma and uncle saying that they tasted otherwise. so i am pretty deflated. but i will not be disheartened! shall thrive on my mum being the best baker in my extended family and pick her head on how baking shld be done right!

my dad bought back roasted duck for lunch during baking time and boy was it good!

not a big fan of duck but the sauce that came with these were awesome! my mum spent saturday making dumplings for the festival yummers! i have a very happy tummy. unfortch i've been putting off running ever since the rain on friday morning. saturday and sunday saw me swearing to head our for an evening run and try out the Revolts but instead i plonked out for hours til dinnertime at 8. sigh!