chez Agnès
why am i running?
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

these few days, as i run this is the question that's replaying over and over in my head. today more so than ever. because it suddenly dawned upon me how roaringly near the end of year runs are. so i dragged myself out after coming home from work and began the tortourous pounding on the pavements. cover the whole of simei i said.

and with every step that brought me further away from home, i agonised at why really was i subjecting myself to such misery.

'til i stepped into a porthole and twisted my ankle that is. it felt really bad. and so began the fervous prayers of pls let it be okay i want to keep running.

so there! somewhere amongst the whining and grumbling, i still want to keep on running. even though i'm tired after work, even though my knees hurt. so suck it up agnes!

is it okay to wish that it would rain sometimes though?