chez Agnès
Monday, November 23, 2009

cold sweat.
sudden weakening of limbs.
surrounding noises make like one was underwater.

today for the first time in my life, i experienced what it was like to feel hypo. hypoglycaemic that is. in the midst of topping up rounds in the wards today, i felt a combination of the above symptoms and all i wanted to do was squat down and curl into a ball.

you have ----------. said a doctor while i was recuperating in a seat beside him. gave a nervous laugh as reply. coz nothing was processing in my brain.

had a second episode in a different ward. have never felt like this before. today's my first rotation at orthopaedics and surgery. pls don't let me appear weak in front of the pharmacist. because i am so not one of those fainting women. and it isn't like i didn't have breakfast because i had extra today. extra bread. extra cup of milk. weird.

but i'm glad cherie's over at cgh for an exchange! reminds me of school all over again. trooped out to lunch. can't wait for tomorrow! gonna try the fermented red noodles soup thing cherie had. vinegar-ish. yums!

and i normally hate house music. but the song daul kim posted on her last blog post sounds extraordinarily awesome.

i miss school. i miss my life years back. i miss the comfort. but i wouldn't give anything for the last couple of years as well. it's just a low point right now agnes. it would pass.