chez Agnès
part of the weekend
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

it's sooo close to the weekend, had to rehash the past weekend to last me through til thurs night..pure blonde lager..not bad at all!

coz we didn't meet up for kb this week, the three of us met up on saturday to catch up!

went to this nice australian place outside raffles city..

car and i just recovered from the aftereffects of a buffet in the afternoon, so only andrea had food. she sneaked me a little of her fish and chips and it was good! even with all the food in my tummy... and andrea's favourite animal, right carmooo?

and we were just talking nonsense throughout dinner, going through situational games as car calls them. it was until in the mrt that we started talking bout juicy stuff, haha! so silly...but we have the whole trip in june to do that! no kb again this friday coz it's good friday )): owells at least it's a holiday!