chez Agnès
if you ask me...
Sunday, March 21, 2010

life ain't looking that rosy at the moment.

well there're people out there with more troubles. but dang, wouldn't it be nice if everything was nice and dandy. and what is it with all the blood pouring over at bkk, the momo just keeps going on and on bout the july trip. but the tickets are all booked anyways. foresee loads of needling all the way. oh come on! blood is a little extreme don't you think...

and i just can't make my mind up on work matters. challenge and late knock-offs OR being comfortable and happy. have tons of questions. i want answers and i want to know my options. and i'm not sure myself whether i'm ready for a change in my non-work activities. especially my lovely fridays. will be at a loss without them. well of course i could still meet car and andrea for afters but it won't be the same. gd things never do last.

and a whole load of other issues as well. well it isn't what it seems definitely. certainly not as messy as what you used to do. but it's a really bad practice all the same that has to be discontinued. i'm trying to resolve it but it just takes soo much work especially when there're so much bait laying around. well i certainly do not want to talk bout it, so for the time being, just leave it alright?

just need an outlet for all these drama-mama-ness. so yep a photo post because i'm really alright.

food hunt two saturdays back that got me so knackered i passed out an entire weekend and felt its after-effects for a week after. i was literally poop, was surviving by just zombie-ing around.

my team mates! 9 months of slogging out at work, got to know everyone better. and someone told me i'm always too fast to judge. which is so true because everyone's really a good person regardless of their quirks.

and this from awhile back, seafood dinner for gracie boo's farewell. i miss her soo much. everyone's at outpatient is leaving in the near future as well. another thing to factor in for the work dilemma.

after the food hunt, i almost became little miss pangsae because i was dead tired. didn't help that i did intervals with car the night before and had barely 2 hours of sleep before i had stocktake at work. but i haven't met the 19 guys like forever. so after saying bye to the cgh mates, i trudged down to bus. ppl who know me knows i don't like to cab, but this time i was ready to jump into any but apparently cabs avoided the barrage like the plague. passed out on the bus for the 5 mins ride and almost missed the stop.

but it was all worth it when i finally found them on the field because they were waiting for me to start dinner! gosh and i reached close to 9pm...was so super touched, you guys rock laa..and my future travel mates with our picnic. haha...they'll kill me for posting this but they don't come here anyways so ((((:

and we saw this ginormous kite that just owned all the other kites. everyone just went phowar when it went up in the wind. the kite was the width of the barrage field. it was insane.

and tomorrow's the first official day i pass out from pre-reg. wheee! be hardworking dear aggieeee.....