chez Agnès
oh the secrets i keep within
Monday, March 15, 2010

oh gosh emo night tonight

so many things to handle...the presentation, arrangements with friends, work-related stuff relationship with god, parents, myself. it's too much weighing down on me.

but i'm grateful that in the midst of it all, there's someone talking to me, telling me who to look to. even though i'm not replying this friend. as everyone know, i can take long to reply on msn. but he keeps telling me all the stuff i can identify with. he tells me what deep down inside my heart is longing to keep to. we don't long for much. just to be a simple person, with all things stable. but no, society calls out for more than this. so to thrive, we have to push through our simple lives. he writes in a different language from what i'm familiar with so it takes times to decipher his words. but all the same, the msg is delivered across.

oh it's been long since i wrote so freely here, on the other hand, it's also been a while since i felt like this.