chez Agnès
whoever said three was a crowd!
Friday, March 05, 2010

kickboxing today was kickass! whoo! still feeling the high from it!

the routine changes every fortnight..and the routine for the past two weeks was crap. today we did all the jump kicks and dodging..omg! awesome!

i love fridays so much! after kb, we headed to manpuku..shared four dishes amongst the three of us. we almost exploded. and car had to finish most of it )): we had matcha ice cream again! just had's one better deal out there...

thank god we did intervals at the track before lessons. did 100m sprints, and omg carmen may walk like a tortoise most of the time, but boy can she sprint. i couldn't catch up to her for nuts man..and i was running my fastest ever in what 10 years? hidden talent ah someone..

okay i'm super full from all the jap food in my toomey..gonna catch some zzz, long day tmr starting with work at 8.30am )): but still it's the weekends!