chez Agnès
my dear old friend
Saturday, May 15, 2010

finally caught up with niron this afternoon after work, he's been estranged from all of us for like forever. ever since fyp i must say. poor fella....well we've started work proper as pharmacists and all but today's stint at the mall reminded me of the start of prereg when we were both in the same rotation at DI. how he would man the calls while i catch up on sleep in the morning, and vice versa in the afternoon coz i'll be awake then and he'd have his post-lunch slump syndrome.

well they say spending too much time with a friend would lead to friction, and we did bicker. but it was still awesome starting prereg with a close friend. so after traipsing around tamp1 and settling our purchases, we plopped out butts down at bakerzinn to just reminisce bout old times. pokhara and all...and how he wants to go back to trek the annapurnas...shall see huh..well we did shake on how we're gonna whip ourselves back into shape by the end of the year.

byee niron, i know you don't read this coz you don't even fb anymore but do enjoy your month-long backpacking adventure in europe!