chez Agnès
Do not judge others
Friday, December 03, 2010

so i was reading odj and today's article just rang out really clearly to me. without fully understanding all the issues and motives involved, how can we bring judgement on others. and before we even do so, have we examined our own lives enough to allow others to judge ourselves.

i remember in the past i shrived to live a life of goodness, giving the benefit of doubt to the people around me. somewhere along the way i started feeling naive for doing so, no one else is doing it anyways. and it isn't like the most easy thing to do.

and i totally regret taking the slippery road to vile...coz it's so tough to get back on the virtuous train.

how's life now. it's pretty much passing by in a blur. the whole of november passed by just like that. dived headfirst into a new activity with carmoo. have been enjoying it thus. workwise, it got really crazy for awhile then it died down. my favourite op colleague was down for some time which made me realise how much i liked working at op coz of his presence. lunches with niron stopped, i don't know why...perhaps it has to do with the fact that i don't like to pour my troubles out that much, doing so only to appear normal. but when people whine, i drop all and about-turn. it's fine with gals, gal friend whining i gladly take. to me, guys should just suck it up. yes thank you. i know it's contradictory to my earlier rant. but as i said, it's tough to revert back.