chez Agnès
i hope you find peace
Thursday, September 23, 2010

it's a tease how there's the chinese word for peace in my name.

these couple of years, things have been anything but.

and even more recently, someone close to me have been plagued by anything but peace. her troubles permeate even her dreams, where i can constantly hear her mumbling words of unrest.

and i may appear nonchalant about it, but it's been affecting my sleep as well. i'm a pig. i can fall asleep anywhere. but recently, sleep has been evading me. i wish i had a solution to her problems. but the predicament is too rooted.

tonight before i sleep, i'm gonna pray a little prayer, the road is long, but it's easy to find comfort in the littlest things. so pick these bits of comfort and use them as padded stepping stones on your life path....