chez Agnès
♥ Taiwan #3.1
Saturday, September 04, 2010

woke up in kaohsiung for brekkie, the three of us trooped out in search of better food. the milk in taiwan is awesome and we had the dan bing thing again wooots!

the hotel did provide us with breakfast. but the hotel reviews all said to avoid the breakfast like the plague. funny though, i kinda like it. homely styled. moreover the breakfast place was on a roof.

and the cab ride down the peninsula of taiwan to kenting. where we finally saw the sea!! and i found out i've got red aunty dot. yeepeee on the day we were heading to the beach.

decided to have some good ol' mackkies for lunch. where we had to order in chinese! i threw in the white flag and left the ordering to carmey and andrea.

our room had two queen-sized bed. so to determine who was the fortunate one who gets the whole bed to herself. we played guess the number of fries remaining......and i won!!! ((: there's andrea counting the fries with a straw, all casino-like.

adding on to the bubble tea count. yikes it's scary how many of those we consumed.

finally checked in to our place, we slobbed around a little in our room til our next activity...

til the next post......