chez Agnès
♥ Taiwan #3.2
Tuesday, September 07, 2010

After the scorching sun died down a little, we came out of our air-conditioned room into this dilapidated van for an afternoon of sea activities! ((((((((:

after going through our options with the hot owner of the sea activities place, we changed into our scuba outfits and basically took loads of photos in it! wheees

we could choose 5 activities for around 50bucks or thereabouts. so we chose snorkeling, banana boat, huge jetboat, jetski and some donut float thingy! awesome stuff ((: i love the banana boat thingy so much i requested to sit right at the front!!

after the sun set, and when we all had to peel off my suits coz we really needed to pee, we finally left the sea. washed up and somehow made some plans to head to this seafood place by the harbour for dinner with this couple from hongkong.

when andrea and car as well as the girlfriend of the hk couple left to pick the fish for our dinner, i was left alone with the boyfriend. and omg, like major conversation breakdown! i could only speak english well and he could only speak canto well. and we were both horrible mandarin speakers. but that being the language we both knew in common, we were forced to use it. and i think for the 15mins the girls were away, we had a very confusing and giggly-awkward small talk sesh. yeeech...

dinner was awesome though, tons of sashimi at the cost of a song~, deep fried flying fish, steamed grouper yums, and beer!

and then we bidded farewell to the owner, hot right!!!

but we were left stranded at our hostel because we left our keys with the owner and he went out! so we camwhored in the lobby (((:

after half an hour, we decided to head out to the night market instead of waiting for the owner to return. love the street where our hostel was located, whimsical hostels lining the street to the town centre.

had the uber tall ice cream thing. tasted like crap to be honest!