chez Agnès
uh oh i get really cranky whenever i don't get enough time with you...
Friday, August 26, 2011

i don't blog enough. not sure what happened to all my free time. the past week have been rather nice and comfortable. managed to catch up with the people who i hold really closely in my heart.

spent two evenings with joy and brains! it really takes effort to keep in touch these days. glad to see everyone's doing well. gonna hit the gym with joy and good plans with the brian, hopefully very soon. spent a gd half day w the momo in town - mooncake tasting, bakerzin, ikea. silly us, we went to giant tampines, found the raspberries were a dollar cheaper than cold storage, bought it but took a cab back that cost 7 bucks. nicely done

one thing that's really striking. have been to starbucks thrice in the last week. i shld be investing in a starbucks card!

spent half an hr at work on LB's new launch with a colleague of mine, can't wait for the stuff to arrive whees!