i love shopping!! it's so so so fun! i'm going to be a broke broke person next time when my mother no longer has control over me..whee!
to me shopping is a form of therapy..no matter how negative i'm feeling..it's always solved when shopping is involved. take for example..i always have these little tiffs with my mother and sis whenever we go out..over the PUNIEST stuff..for e.g i bathe too long and they're tired of waiting..or i bathe way in advance of going out with them but i fall asleep and they're tired of waiting for me to wake up..hmmm..i see some kinda connection..okay whatever..whenever these things happen and any of us spot an item to buy or a sale ahead..the problem poofs into thin air! and suddenly we are all good pals again..how amazing!
i saw this pair of shades today and it suits me so so much..wondering whether i should buy it..'cause i'm not sure i'll wear it. just as i was wondering whether i should buy it..my mother comes along and told me..'look at the handicap busker by the roadside..see how long they take to earn money and there you go any-old-how spending your money..tsk tsk!' anyway..i can't get my mind off that pair of kewl thingamagics!