chez Agnès
Day 12 - Thursday
Friday, November 14, 2008

je suis très fatiguèe.
je voudrais dors seulement. maintenant.
aujourd'hui a
ètè un fatigant mais plutôt content jour.

I'm super bushed now. i'm using all the effort it takes to type this entry out quickly and head to bed. it's 1.20am now, gives me 10mins to hit to clean my rabbit's cage and brush my teeth, and drag bitbit into bed.

french test was really good today. much MUCH better than the previous one, where i sat there forcing words out. this time, the essay and grammaire came pretty much easily to me. the comprehension on the other hand was horrible though. guessed only about the entire passage they gave us. haha..didn't really know what it was saying so i just blindly wrote answers down ): owells! there's always something starting with a S and ending with an U.

dispensing without a break after just made me aged like 5 years or something. i didn't even had time for lunch which was a slice of squashed raisin bread. i wanna hit myself for really ugh! if only i did things a little faster this time. i knew how to go about the prescriptions this time round, but there simply wasn't enough time. my laptop had to fail me by not connecting to the internet. and something else..haha but censored don't feel gd writing it here..still, i made interventions for both the prescriptions myself! wooo and it felt really good when CT said bien to me!

all the test results came out today as well. oof..i felt a little more deflated after seeing them right after dispensing.....

studied with sab and greg at the pharmcy benches after..well it was more of talking than studying..but with my throbbing headache, i don't think that much could be done anyways.

coco crunch with milk

pathetic slice of raisin bread (gobbled down at 5.30pm)

cream pasta with mushrooms and chicken (had to pamper myself after the near starvation)

had dinner with greg at some coffeeshop in simei that sold italian fare. not bad..but the thing with cream pasta better guzzle everything down quickly before it gets all gelat. and we were supposed to continue studying. but it was 10pm by the time we finished we just sat there and chatted til 11. haha i knew there was a difference in girlfriends drawing from a girls' sch and those from a mixed school. like how we feel totally comfortable telling each other if we had to pull up a slipping undie and also have no qualms about throwing a pad across the classroom to another friend in need. BUT there's a difference for the male counterpart as well. sat there roaring with laughter at some of the things he told me. well done guys!

okay it's much for sleeping early. off to bed now! new songs up as well! love them all..especially mushaboom! haha..such a cute title for one of the few female-sung songs i adore. listen to the lyrics..really whimsical but oh so reflective of our lives now.

And we'll collect the moments one by one
I guess that's how the future's done oh

kays bonne nuit!