had this for dinner ydae...fried chicken, fried fish, black-sauced chicken with garlic (fried?) and cabbage
woke up at 7 this morning to complete some work but ended up having to help my dad with his stuff so he sent me to school.
had bread from sun moulin bakery for breakfast..haha & i could read the words - "we send you our delicious bread"
as well as milo..the australian recipe milo tastes different..not better just different..more chocolatey i guess..i love not dissolving all the milo powder coz after adding milk and leaving it to stand, you get clumps of milo powder floating to the top yums!
had a huge cheesy scone from sun moulin for lunch..cut open and spreaded with butter of course!
dinner was when i overstuffed again..i love my mum's steamed fish..used to hate fish esp fish that weren't fried but ever since she came up with the idea of steaming fish with tons of tomatoes topped with black-bean sauce and mushrooms, i've been loving steamed fish..oh i used to hate tomatoes before this too!
ate too much charsiew and roasted pork..but it was good! and when i stopped eating coz i felt full, i realised i haven't had the almond and sesame paste my mum bought as well! )): and i had to eat it! so totally overate coz i was too full to walk after dinner.
okay i realised an eating diary posts can be rather boring but it's gonna be like that for the next 18 more days! whee..the days are passing really quickly.
no exercise today coz i was super tired after the whole string of lessons without breaks. had pp3 meeting after 6pm as well..victor brought this jap rice krispy with chocolate snack to share with all of us. i'm so gonna get it after the 21 days. and dunk it in milk! lisa said there's a more lau-horng korean imitation at coop!