chez Agnès
i just freaking stuck a needle into my left earlobe
Thursday, November 20, 2008

i swear i find the most arbitrary things to do during the exam period!

decided to try on a pair of earrings (yea i know why am i doing this now??!) and however i forced, i couldn't get any earrings to fit through my left earlobe. the last time i rem wearing my earrings was....i actually don't rem coz it was too long ago!

for a crazy moment i actually thought having one ear hole might work. then the thought of not wearing my fave pair of hooped earrings brought me back to earth. i guess i was kinda desperate so i thrashed through my mum's sewing chest to get a needle.

it didn't hurt more than i thought it would! and now i'm sitting here with a swollen left ear lobe and one side of a pair of earrings of which i can't find the other missing side. coz once i pulled out the needle i just stuffed the first stud i saw into the earhole. dang! but i'm not pulling out that stud til days's stinging like any now!!