chez Agnès
bicycling with car
Friday, April 02, 2010

was a super last minute thing. received a msg from joy in the midst of work that night cycling on good friday was cancelled. was bushed coz i was looking forward to it. well happened to ask car and she agreed on the spot. was quite surprised, it's not everyday you planned night cycling 3 hours before it happened.

car picked me up in her pickup with her bikes in the back. we almost changed plans to night hiking along the southern ridges when we somehow managed to deflate car's bike's tyres instead of inflating them. but the kindly malay uncle at the petrol station helped us with it! ohhh there's just kind souls everywhere. (((:

we managed to make a few interesting pitstops and then my camera batt had to die ugh! so we resorted to my phone's cam. the blackberry's cam is just not good at all.

had dimsum at swee choon where car gave the xlbs the thumbs up! whoo ((: it was really good. wanted to head to barrage, but we kinda not know the way, and we could see lighting every couple of minutes, so we headed back. more food than cycling again!

but it was just as well, car and i took turns yawning the entire drive back. esp car, she had to wake up at 6am for school earlier that day. drove back to unload her bikes at her place, then she drove me home, i'm not sure how she managed to drive home without falling asleep. but i was pretty worried, coz we were seriously tired! i was resorting to singing along to the radio to keep both of us awake. and car was just grunting in recognition every few minutes.

love car for being my impromptu crazy activity bud! i'm sorry i made you turn onto the wrong expressway!!!!