chez Agnès
Day numéro deux
Monday, August 02, 2010

Day 2 passed easier than i expected, still not gonna get ahead of myself by being impudent. key is to keep busy, surround myself with people. the night held a little temptation though. still i had to collect items for a friend so the thought was banished.

some days at work you feel like you're soaring, you pick the easy baskets, get the easy patients. today unfortch was not those days. picked a basket with x10000 items. had a run-in with the sup over an intervention, found out that a patient passed away on saturday, stupid printer machine wouldn't print the second part of a label. but as much as i'm complaining, i'm still thankful there's someone out there who's looking out, the sup instead of being pissed told me i was let off the hook and strangely smiled delightfully at me later in the day, the script with the strange label that wouldn't be printed belonged to a maid who didn't make a fuss about waiting, and i'm getting into the alternate weekend roster! wheeees!

and life is a drama, told a friend bout stuff that i normally wouldn't :x

my friend's life is a drama, 'nuff said. but at least i know that this friend doesn't spill more than what's necessary bout things we share.