chez Agnès
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
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time to blog again!
Friday, November 28, 2008
![]() j'ai fait du shopping aujourd'hui et j'ai acheté un beau sac enfin! je faire mon passe-temps favori! j'ai presque acheté une chaussure elle est trés trés belle mais dommage! elle est un peu trop grande ): went shopping with my sis today..finally bought a lighter bag! my shoulders have been heaving soft sighs of relieve ever since the purchase was rang up at the cash register. and how crazy would we go for a pair of shoes that are a size too big yet looks freaking gorgeous! damm!! and we missed the right-sized pair by a hair's breath.'s still on reserve now...have 24 hours to think it through... my ankle's acting weird now. it's on limp-mode at home but once introduced into the fresher airs of the malls, it seems to be totally normal! haha.. and after all the rotting at home because of the ankle, today's walk around town has left me really exhausted. it's not even midnight and my eyes are closing...... and i just stumbled upon this blog. i totally adore the life the girl's leading. she lives with boyfriend. in a new house she's decorating. she goes out with her mum and sis still. she has two cats. she cooks the nicest dishes (cept for the brocolli - wldn't touch those). she's some kinda artist. and she has a quirky sense of fashion. and i just dug out the old ice cream in the fridge. okay bernice if you're reading this. close your eyes! haha.. if ever i'm severely depressed, just bring a tub of this to my place with some old reruns of Friends. seriously it's the best ice cream EVER. weis raspberry and cream. beats even haagen-daaz. bought from our friendly supermarket ntuc so it should be quite easy to find. you've gotta try it. gumblesroarsroarsyay!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
![]() boujour à toi! je pense que je te peux voir! hello there! i think i can see you! PT is tomorrow so tell me why i'm sitting here with a big grin on my face! eeee! (((: econs was..i don't know..really had no feeling coz i was soo tired. just rushed through the 80 mcqs..saw that i had about 20mins left..made a feeble attempt to check my answers then i just slpt like a log. woke up to hand up my answer sheet and slpt again. all because i slpt only an hr the night before.. and the same old cycle is so repeating tonight. coz instead of starting on PT last night, i just sat in front of my laptop listening to doses of good ol' The Killers and Fall Out Boy and playing Bubble Breaker on my handphone. temporary bliss before the storm okay. p.s. my mum bought yam paus for me! had two ydae and woke up to two more in the pot today. i think i'm getting a bit sick of them ugh. and...i can't complain )): slpt the earliest ever this year
Sunday, November 23, 2008
![]() i slpt at 8.30pm yesterday! everybody says hurray! haha all the way til 8.30am this morning. mmm feel soo rested and normal. since i have normal waking up hours...for a day. the ankle is bruising more after rubbing! it's day 4 post-sprain now so it's time to put weight back on it! my mum's off to town to meet my sis. not before she got mcgriddles for me! haha..okay now i really have to start on econs. paper in less than 24 hours..and i've 11 topics to go! feeling a tad happier
Saturday, November 22, 2008
![]() plus que quartre jours! dépêche-toi! le premier examen est fini! j'ai fêté ça avec un petit chou à la crème (: okay 2 more papers and 4 more days to go before hitting the stores. argh i hate my ankle..just get well soon. dear joy had her dad fetch me to the station. thanks a million!!! came home and celebrated with a beard papa cream puff coz my sis and mum just got home from shopping. okay econs for the nxt 2 days! it's rainey and nice to sleep. maybe i'll take a nap after my bath. exam time
![]() exam time is so snacking time. and dreaming of shopping time. i just have this huge monstrous appetite ever since i've stopped the diet. ooh and my dad bought sliced fish horfun and fried chicken wings for dinner YUMS. but dinner was a little early today. so i ended up being itchy mouthed at 10 plus. had meiji crackers, my last remaining mini pack of precious honey stars and yam pau. OHMY since when was yam pau so delicious?? i was craving for another one right after finishing it. and my mum had to wear this top in 2 shades of purple after coming out from the bath. haha i just kept laughing yam pau! kept complaining to my mum so she took out her secret stash of haagen-daaz strawberry ice cream to pacify me. hurhur. my sis, mum and i were all huddling around the tub in front of the telly when my dad walked past and gave us this 'women...' look. and i've no idea why. but exam time makes me wanna buy shoes )): so weird. it's only shoes. reading the sartorialist only makes it worst. ![]() like i need this pair of shoes. NOW!! and i so deserve a bad grade for RM. only started studying seriously for it at 10pm. after studying for more than a decade for exams, i think somewhere in my heart, i've already kinda not want to push anymore )): okay i'm left with the critical review form and eli chan's tut!! 2 more hours to bedtime! je parle NON!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
![]() i'm so procrastinating. it's 5pm and i haven't started on RM for tomorrow. i'm gonna blame it on the construction men outside my place. and the fact that i can't walk to the library coz i woke up to a more painful ankle! and this old construction man kept banging on the door. and he was like knocking on the freaking peephole to tell me they're washing the outside of the block and to close the windows. silly man! i cldn't see who it was. and i'm gonna have dinner home alone today. )): the mum and sis are out shopping for prom and i'm not sure bout my dad. since he's not replying my msges. and since diet is off i've been eating a ton. frosted sugar-coated croissant, choc chip danish. and the new box of cereal is almost finished. haha record breaking time of 2 days. i only stopped coz there was no more milk. so now i'm on to nuts..ugh okay gonna bathe and long night ahead! Diet is off!
![]() j'ai mal à la cheville aujourd'hui j'ai trabuché et tombé je suis trés triste ne faire plus du jogging pour moi! i've called the diet off coz........i sprained my ankle today!!!! so much for going for a jog in the park ): what happened was i sat on my right leg for about the whole duration of the latest ep of gossip girl. when it ended, i was like SHOOT WASTED 40MINS ON A SHOW. so i sprang up and went to get my PT notes. i think what happened next was that my right leg was deprived of blood circulation for the last half hour or so. so the moment i stood up, the whole of my right leg was like deadweight. it just gave way and i landed on the wrong side of my ankle. grabbed the fan for support and heard two cracks (haha nah it's probably from the fan). and i couldn't do anything but lie on the floor for the nxt five minutes because my leg was still devoid of circulation. haha the funny thing was the whole time i laid on the floor. i could only think of all the shopping, running and cycling i would be missing. so i was lying there and praying pls don't let it be a sprain over and over again. well now that i've read almost like a dozen googled pages on how to treat a sprained ankle. i guess i'll be able to be up and about in around 2 weeks! so in the mean time loads of RICE and no putting of weight on my ankle for the nxt 3 days! so today was really a wasted day in terms of studying. coz of all the pain and drilling from the construction men, i decided to just sleep instead. no studying done today at all! after dinner today, i went out for supper with greg, sab and mike. i heart my mum loads loads loads! she knows it's exam time. she knows i sprained my ankle. but she still let me out! she was like...'you ah one day don't go out cannot is it..just don't hurt your wonky ankle!' so sweeet! of coz she didn't say sounded more like wongyek or something..hurhur just an unspellable sound. went to the nearby mr teh tarik for a quick supper. so now i'm charged with sugar and caffeine for an all-nighter with PT. and oh diet is off coz i wasn't really sticking to it. although i did cut back alot on overeating and i'm back to my old weight. so i guess i'm content. i'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that the next two weeks of sitting down to mug and not exercising and snacking won't make me pile the kilos back on! my sis and i are on our next box of cereal! have been munching on milo cereal and milk the entire day! oh my sis have finished As. yay for her! it's a really good feeling to have 8 months of hols yawning in front of you. but her knees are swollen and painful as well. so that makes two limping ppl around the house! i just freaking stuck a needle into my left earlobe
Thursday, November 20, 2008
![]() i swear i find the most arbitrary things to do during the exam period! decided to try on a pair of earrings (yea i know why am i doing this now??!) and however i forced, i couldn't get any earrings to fit through my left earlobe. the last time i rem wearing my earrings was....i actually don't rem coz it was too long ago! for a crazy moment i actually thought having one ear hole might work. then the thought of not wearing my fave pair of hooped earrings brought me back to earth. i guess i was kinda desperate so i thrashed through my mum's sewing chest to get a needle. it didn't hurt more than i thought it would! and now i'm sitting here with a swollen left ear lobe and one side of a pair of earrings of which i can't find the other missing side. coz once i pulled out the needle i just stuffed the first stud i saw into the earhole. dang! but i'm not pulling out that stud til days's stinging like any now!! Day 18 - Wednesday
![]() je suis très heureuse! j'ai achevè beaucoup sur mon révisions aujourd'hui. mais j'ai mangè beaucoup aussi. deux repas Macs? et une tarte aux pommes? c'est très mal pour mon régime! spent the day at macs with sab and greg! hmm wasn't a too bad day..did 2 chaps of PT + half of pneumonia. something i wouldn't have accomplished at home because of the nice rain. would have put me to sleep. speaking of sleep, i only had 3.5 hours of sleep last night. promptly at 9am today, the construction workers started their drilling on the 9th storey..argh think the exams are messing up my once super-sound sleep. i slept through all the drilling 'til 1pm everyday. what happened today!! but it's kinda exciting. my family and i are peering everyday through this super small makeshift window to this small cement space they constructed for the lift landing. amazing really how they did it. and my mum has 7-up in the refridgerator for the thirsty construction men. aww so nice. i suspect it's coz one of them greeted her gd morning the other day haha! okay it's 1am..still super stuffed from all my Macmeals today..bad!! PETIT DÉJEUNER/DÉJEUNER Sausage MacGriddles with Egg meal !!!! THÉ Apple Pie DîNER McSpicy meal spending the day at macs means loads of meals there as well. going to the park to run it off tmr! Day 17 - Tuesday
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
![]() aujourd'hui je suis allèe au Starbucks pour réviser pour mon examen j'y suis allèes avec ma sœur une autre semaine et il fera fini! went to starbuck with my sis today. escaped the house where there is tons of construction going on with the new elevator being built. still studying really slowly...grrr...3 more days to the first paper! PETIT DÉJEUNER - DÉJEUNER honey gold cornflakes with milk THÉ macs fries with chilli and mayo DîNER salty black minced pork sweet black minced pork otak cabbage rice EIGHT slices of papaya (really OD-ed on these maaan) SUPPER fruit and nut loaf had LOADS of honey gold cornflakes at midnight yesterday )): cereal is really on my yummy list these days. my mum's gonna get the huge box of coco crunch or milo next yumsy! Day 16 - Monday
Monday, November 17, 2008
![]() aujourd'hui, quand je vais au jardin pour faire du jogging, j'ai presque pressè une grenouille avec mes pieds. heureusement pour la grenouille, j'ai criè et sautè, pour la èviter. un homme où a ètè près de moi, fixè à moi avec surprise. well i fell asleep at 5pm and decided to go jogging at the park with my sis. almost stepped on a frog midway. leapt to the side in shock and i think i looked a sight coz this old guy stared at me in surprise. and i've more mozzie bites graah! have been collecting them like any! PETIT DÉJEUNER - DÉJEUNER chicken pie THÉ honey gold cornflakes with milk DîNER baked chicken soup with fried fish and tomotoes some vegetables rice avocado, pineapple and grapes okay back to dreaded studying. days pls pass more quickly.... Day 15 - Sunday
Sunday, November 16, 2008
![]() lent est ma prenom really uneventful day today..woke up at 9am and couldn't get back to sleep. after breakfast, i just couldn't study coz i woke up way before my normal waking up time. so i decided to take a nap..all the way til 5pm )):ben! je etudie comme un escargot. c'est l'heure travailler toute la nuit! weiqi told me bout the crocs sale over at expo so my mum & dad went down to take a look. when they came home in the evening, they had with them 6 pairs of crocs and some other apparels! gosh...6 pairs! they had food from the food event thing going on at the expo as well. headed out to the park to run before coming back to yummy food from the food event all heated up! PETIT DÉJEUNER honey gold cornflakes with milk DÉJEUNER - DîNER wonton mee seafood roll thingy some jap pancake/pizza thing with mayo and fish flakes steamed chicken with chinese sausage kong bak pau leftover chicken rice fish and tomato soup SUPPER honey gold cornflakes Day 14 - Saturday
![]() aujourd'hui, j'ai mangè une bombance mais, c'est bien. parce que j'ai ètè très contente. mmmm...le repas a ètè delicieux! just had a bath..and after watching an episode of friends last night - the one where chandler takes a bath AND am currently reading a book - the kept woman by bagshawe who's just this princessey woman maintained by her arrogant ceo husband who takes the most wonderful baths with l'occitane bath stuff, it's funny how i find a bath so so relaxing. finally slapped on moisturiser today after like months. but i'm going to be bitbit's number one public enemy coz she DETESTS the smell of any moisturiser sooo much. she literally turns her nose up at the littlest sniff of moisturiser. woke up, had lunch/breakfast at 85 with my parents. then headed to tamp mart to study with greg and sab. sab only could come down later at 11pm though..but i finally had a macs meal after ages. and boy was it guuuud! PETIT DÉJEUNER - DÉJEUNER chwee kuey lemon chicken rice curry cut rice green tea tangyuan in almond milk DîNER macs fish fillet meal SUPPER oreo mcflurry okay 3.15am now..feel really tired all of a to bed! Day 13 - Friday
Saturday, November 15, 2008
![]() je me suis levèe très tard aujourd'hui. en fait, à deux heures à l'après-midi. j'ai fait du jogging encore ce soir. il deviendra obsessionnel. parle la voix à ma tête, "cours! cours plus vite!" reading week has finally arrived! time to put on those speckys and start a revising ho! i'm sounding crazily excited about this. but i'm so so not! okay woke up at 2 plus in the afternoon..freaking crazy! i slpt at 2 plus last night..that's like half the day )): i must have been really tired yesterday. okay i shall continue slping early...have to slp by 3 today! completed like only econs webcast today..damm feel super unenthusiastic about studying this time round. PETIT DÉJEUNER ham and cheese sandwich DÉJEUNER raisin bread grapes DîNER rice with steamed fish, charsiew, roasted pork and chinese sausage (the one with loads of fats in it! darn nice..but i made an effort to remove the fats that were visible kay) almond paste sesame paste went running at the park again. shoot coz i was really lazy to walk to the stadium to use the track. haven't ran for almost a week. it's getting really tough to keep up the distance this time. i really don't know how i'm going to increase the distance anymore. the last few rounds i'm running with my eyes closed if i can. haha..okay that sounded funny. Day 12 - Thursday
Friday, November 14, 2008
![]() je suis très fatiguèe. je voudrais dors seulement. maintenant. aujourd'hui a ètè un fatigant mais plutôt content jour. I'm super bushed now. i'm using all the effort it takes to type this entry out quickly and head to bed. it's 1.20am now, gives me 10mins to hit to clean my rabbit's cage and brush my teeth, and drag bitbit into bed. french test was really good today. much MUCH better than the previous one, where i sat there forcing words out. this time, the essay and grammaire came pretty much easily to me. the comprehension on the other hand was horrible though. guessed only about the entire passage they gave us. haha..didn't really know what it was saying so i just blindly wrote answers down ): owells! there's always something starting with a S and ending with an U. dispensing without a break after just made me aged like 5 years or something. i didn't even had time for lunch which was a slice of squashed raisin bread. i wanna hit myself for really ugh! if only i did things a little faster this time. i knew how to go about the prescriptions this time round, but there simply wasn't enough time. my laptop had to fail me by not connecting to the internet. and something else..haha but censored don't feel gd writing it here..still, i made interventions for both the prescriptions myself! wooo and it felt really good when CT said bien to me! all the test results came out today as well. oof..i felt a little more deflated after seeing them right after dispensing..... studied with sab and greg at the pharmcy benches after..well it was more of talking than studying..but with my throbbing headache, i don't think that much could be done anyways. BREKKIE coco crunch with milk LUNCH pathetic slice of raisin bread (gobbled down at 5.30pm) DINNER cream pasta with mushrooms and chicken (had to pamper myself after the near starvation) had dinner with greg at some coffeeshop in simei that sold italian fare. not bad..but the thing with cream pasta better guzzle everything down quickly before it gets all gelat. and we were supposed to continue studying. but it was 10pm by the time we finished we just sat there and chatted til 11. haha i knew there was a difference in girlfriends drawing from a girls' sch and those from a mixed school. like how we feel totally comfortable telling each other if we had to pull up a slipping undie and also have no qualms about throwing a pad across the classroom to another friend in need. BUT there's a difference for the male counterpart as well. sat there roaring with laughter at some of the things he told me. well done guys! okay it's much for sleeping early. off to bed now! new songs up as well! love them all..especially mushaboom! haha..such a cute title for one of the few female-sung songs i adore. listen to the lyrics..really whimsical but oh so reflective of our lives now. And we'll collect the moments one by one I guess that's how the future's done oh kays bonne nuit! Day 11 - Wednesday
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
![]() aujourd'hui il fait un orage. it rained so heavily today! but it was fun splashing around in the huge puddles! i've to study real hard for the french test tomorrow. and then there's dispensing like right after......mais, je me suis amusée avec les grand flaques. it fait quelque temps depuis j'ai joué sous la pluie. Day 11: BREKKIE - Slice of raisin bread LUNCH - Shepherd's pie - Chicken pie DINNER - Rice with sweet&sour pork, chicken, egg tofu and cabbage - Fried vermicelli - Fruits quite a good day today, didn't eat too much! Day 10 - Tuesday
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
![]() it might be time to hang up the running shoes for awhile. j'ai mal au genou. c'est très triste. je ne ferai du jogging depuis quelque temps. en fait, c'est bizarre. avant, je detestais beaucoup faire du jogging. il ferait très chaud et unglam. mais, je commence à faire du jogging depuis quarte moins. étonnamment, je me suis amusèe. have been having returns of them knee pain. and the crepitus especially is kinda freaking me out. what used to be cracking of my left knee joint once in awhile have been continuous cracking for half a dozen steps til i shake my knee out )): been taking up glucosamine once again..have to wait 3 months to see results i guess! the worst of my knee joint problems is that i can't go down steps properly. am scared esp when i have to go down the steps of the bus when alighting. i hate it when people ask me why i have knee pains. afterall i don't do intensive sports. haha it's a really lame reason. and that is why i hate to get asked. i THINK it's a combination of standing 25 hours every week for four years in band, walking in the neighbourhood shopping centre 5 hours every school day, playing block catching and pounding down the stairs like my whole childhood, walking from bugis to the end of orchard countless times and worst of all!! tottering around in 3inch heels, and climbing over the green railings in the middle of the road in the same heels just to avoid paying cabfare coz it's freaking expensive in the middle of the night and i just ended jc then. darn broke. yea i know serve me right ))): but i kinda feel reluctant to stop running coz like just 3 months ago, i saw stars when running a meagre 1.4k. i'll just have to go read up and see whether there's running on a running track?? so here's diet day 10, kinda feel like giving up not really sticking to the plan anyways.. BREKKIE - BK croissan'wich (mum still on leave) - Milo ball cereal with milk (dunno why i still had this..really hungry i guess) LUNCH - fried fish noodle soup (attempt to be healthy) - oreo donut TEA - Magnolia milk (wanted to skip lunch and just have this..but nooo..a donut had to appear) DINNER - Herbal chicken soup and rice - A box of crimson grapes (have been going through them real fast these days) *** had my french oral today too..not very well done but really glad it's over. and just as french 2 is about to end, i saw my french1 lecturer today! he waved to me from his volkswagen haha..he made french so interesting!! and it's a really draining day today for me. had classes non-stop from 10-6. wanted to sleep really early..but guess's half past midnight now..the magical hour where i suddenly become really awake no matter how tired i am. going to watch Heroes in bed til i sleep i guess... Day 9 - Monday
Monday, November 10, 2008
![]() was a super rainey day today. my mum took leave coz she has to study for this exam on thurs. and guess what that means?? haha BK croissan'wich again! had some fried prawn mee before heading out. on the way to school to meet my partner to practise for french oral, she msged me to say that she hasn't finished a paper that's due and could we meet earlier tmr. owells so i got off at paya lebar to head to the library to get some studying done before i meet maymay for Step classes at her gym. felt super hungry when i was waiting for her at the bus stop so i got some strawberry milk. wanted plain but sold out. )): since when was plain milk more popular than strawberry and choc milk? Step was really intensive and i got all fumbled up on the steps coz i didn't really know them. had maymay laughing really hard at me )): got back to have dinner which consisted of steamed fish, black-sauced fatty meat stew and veg! yumsss..the stew had a drumstick in it too ((: was still hungry so i had apples and pineapples from the fridge and also a bottle of vitagen collagen. i love the thickness that the collagen gave to the drink.. okay that's it, gonna bathe and study more for my french oral again.... Day 8 - Sunday
Sunday, November 09, 2008
![]() other than an overeating problem, i seem to have an oversleeping problem as well ): but i so hate it when people start nagging at me bout it. esp when i'm trying to do something about it. okay so there may not be results yet but i'm trying alright. just get off my back already. ANGRY. okay back to the diet. woke up at noon to head to blk85 for lunch/breakfast with my parents. shared some minced pork noodles and fish porridge with my dad. had chwee kueh and tang yuan as well. green tea tang yuan in almond soup is nice! came back home and had more chwee kueh and yam cake and fell asleep ): woke up to change my bed sheets and give my rabbit a little bath coz she had diarrhoea. dinner was pineapple fried rice and a box of green grapes. like really the whole box. coz they were sitting in the fridge for a week and were turning brownish so i might as well finish them. i didn't realise how sweet they were until 10 mins later, i saw this whole swarm of ants crawling around in the box. went for another run in the evening as well. today's run was much better. after switching up to 5k, the first two runs were torturous. my breathing rhythm got all wonky and i was running with a perpetual stitch. i realised it was coz i was running too quickly at the beginning. i think i just had this mentality that since i'm gonna run longer, i'd have to start running a whole lot faster at the start to get it done with. today i decided to just start out at my own pace. still a slight stitch and i had to switch up my breathing from a breath every four steps to every two steps, but the run was more relaxed and i had a quicker timing. whoopee! my only vice was this couple who sat at this bench eating durian! ugh..and i'd to pass them 7 times in total! Day 7 - Saturday SO BLOWN!
![]() Today was a bad bad diet horribly bad there will be no pictures because it'll go on and on forever...and ever...funny thing is i actually feel darn satisfied! like this was what i'm meant to do..just eat alot! here i am typing with a super stuffed bulging tummy but i've this crazy contented grin on my face..BURPS! got woken up at 8am coz bitbit peed on my sis' bed..again after a long woken up by bitbit racing crazily around me..actually smiled to myself groggily and wondered how crazy the rabbit can get sometimes. then i spied at the corner of my vision..loads of tiny black poo pellets! GROANS... slpt at 4 last night coz i was trying to finish up econs webcast so i was not very enthusiastic about getting out of bed so early..with all my sis' pillows (3 in total - 2 hers, 1 stolen from me permanently) and bolster and blanket piled on my bed, i had a hard time squeezing back onto my bed to catch a few more winks. but the one thing that had me thinking for a moment whether i shld get up WAS the bread my mum bought from the bakery over at taka! guess sleep won the tummy... woke up at 11 to my mum screaming that my dad was coming to pick us up in 20mins to visit my uncle who's in the hospital. almost ran out of the house when i realised gosh i haven't touched the taka breads! so i shouted HOLD ONNN to my mum..ran to the dining table and started throwing plastic bags of bread into my bag frantically. haha deed done, i looked up and saw my mum laughing hysterically at me. so for brekkie..i had (as listed)
Half an hour later, we were in the hospital's canteen. my mum bought a huge plate of chinese rice, brought it back to the table and announced that it was all for me, save for some droopy-looking bittergourd which i fo' sure ain't gonna touch! haha..and my dad drove through marina mandarin's lobby today and part of creating publicity for their newly-situated lobby, they gave away free chicken rice, their famous 20 bucks chicken rice!! squeals! nothing nice though ): i've had better tasting ones that cost less than 3 dollars. so for lunch, i had
headed over to the airport staff canteen to study with greg and alex...alex had to bring the freaking Cadbury version of pillows and my all time childhood fave Twiggies!! does anyone rem twiggies? choco-sauce filled chocholate fingers! greg knew about my no overeating diet and had to purposely line them up in front of me, propped up very nicely by my pencilbox graah! status of snacks:
soon it was time for dinner, my mum wanted me to tabao the prawn noodles and fried vermicelli so i had fried prawn noodles as well. what's nice about this stall was that you could actually help yourself to the pork lard! haha..took only a scoop..normally me and my mum would be laughing at finding such a goldmine and would definitely take more than a meagre spoonful of it. i know some ppl think that fried pork lard is euyew. i used to share this sentiment as well all the way til in late primary school where my mum shared this little treasure with me the ones soaked in oil! here's dinner:
fortunately supper at Popeye's didn't materialise because sab couldn't come down to the airport to meet us. otherwise i'd have another few more bullet points here. but i came home, and fuelled with what was supposed to be supper that didn't happen, i had a little of the fried vermicelli and prawn noodle that i bought home for my mum. so there's a list for supper after all:
so really bad day huh..dhan!! where're you? i need support! shall sleep early's 2.30 so by 3am so that i can get a jog in tomorrow at least coz sunday's the biggest overstuffing day of the week! update: bullets aren't showing up for some reason. and i hate the word verification thing you have to do before hitting the publish post button! i always get it wrong! ughhh..i've a funny one now --> oatchic. let's hope it's the right thing and not me hallucinating over fashionable food. Day 6 - Friday
Friday, November 07, 2008
![]() Today was a pretty simple day..woke up at noon to my mum taking a day off from work. and that means BK breakfast! esp love waking up to a croissan'wich! ![]() since i've decided to go for classes from only 4-6 today, my mum suggested going to orchard for a walk. while waiting for my sis to reach home before we headed out. i had 3 cubes of Cadbury macadamia chocolate and nipped some soonkuey and the rice cake thing from my mum. went to class, came home..had normal dinner and now trying to start on my econs webcasts...but the bed looks more inviting )): UPDATE: arghh..i kinda busted the diet mum bought sooo much bread and pastries from St Leaven over at taka. it was right in front of me, i kept smelling it. so i had half a chocolate croissant and half an almond sugar croissant DAMM! Day 5 - Thursday
![]() this diet thing is fatigue-ing out so so soon. signs of stuffing are sneaking back. )): super-tiring day today..had RM to finish after classes then it was over to arts to practise for french oral test. stayed back til 10.40pm i was sooo tired i nodded all the way back on the train. depresseddd think coz it's that time of the month again. woke up late for french lessons today. coz i slpt ages yesterday and decided to accompany my sis as she has to stay up til 5am to study for her a levels paper today. was soo hungry at 4am, when my sis forced herself to drink chicken's essence (we both hate it!) i was happily....pleeeease pleeease let me have it! i was happily savouring every sip of it..pinch me will you? i hate chicken's essence! yea so i woke up late with no time for breakfast..cuppa milo... ![]() a banana ![]() and grabbed a chocholate chips scone to go (maymay's saying that i have to cut out scones as they have the most butter ever )): i love scones) ![]() and then i had to go have laksa ytf for dinner..i was at arts..and i was sooo hungry! ): ![]() thing is i usually have dinner around 8plus but i had the laksa around 6 so i was hungry again when i got back..ate the fruits left for me in the refrigerator. ![]() but i got hungry at 2am again.. ![]() and this was ten mins later ![]() and i made a tv show timetable but i haven't made an exam study timetable....graaaah! period just come and go away! ![]() Day 4 - Wednesday
Thursday, November 06, 2008
![]() today was a good day! but i slpt sooo much..fell asleep after my bath at around 10 plus last night..woke up at around 2am to shut off my laptop but ended up chatting to kelvin lim online til about 4am then i went off to watch friends and gossip girl til about 5 plus..and i slept all the way til 2.30pm!! that's like 13 hours of sleep in woke up and had this for breakfast! cheese loaf and milo. ![]() felt hungry around 4 plus when my sis returned from her a level paper..poor thing! so i had a slice of cheesecake and camomille tea with honey ![]() dinner was fried food again..i'm realising now how much fried food we're having..fried fish, fried egg tofu, fried sweet black-sauce pork and vegetables (fried too?) ![]() and a huge pail of fruits..haha! the pears are surprisingly filling..was talking to joy on the phone and eating it so i didn't realised how much i was eating... ![]() so today i manage to do a 5k run..was rushing my part for the RM but it took so long, i only realised it was 7pm when the skies turned dark. think i started off too fast today and had to run with a stitch half-way through. wanted to just stop but i knew if i stopped today, i'd be finding more and more excuses in the future. was online and started talking to joy on msn about gmaps..haha she's already planned a 8k run for dec around her neighbourhood. and she found this calorie counter! haha..braised duck tongue anyone? lowest calorie count of 9kcal! haha..and ban mian has 800+ kcal! bad bad ban mian is hiding a huge secret! i thought it was supposed to be healthy! had a laugh hearing the food facts joy was feeding me. and ppl who went night-cycling on halloween, we did a measely 20k on bike ): still the dimsum was guuuud! and dhan called me all the way from dublin!! haha and we made a pact. was telling him i cld run to his house when he got back coz gmaps said it's only 3k there from my place! and greg planned a route to changi airport! 7k..i'll prob have to take the train home...but we were thinking of jogging to simpang when we have's 2k+ from his place..4k+ from mine! okay i just spent 3 hours on gmaps! enough! time to start revising for my french oral test! i'm sooo scared! day 3 - tuesday
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
![]() graaah think i overate today! only day 3!!! had this for dinner ydae...fried chicken, fried fish, black-sauced chicken with garlic (fried?) and cabbage ![]() woke up at 7 this morning to complete some work but ended up having to help my dad with his stuff so he sent me to school. had bread from sun moulin bakery for breakfast..haha & i could read the words - "we send you our delicious bread" ![]() as well as milo..the australian recipe milo tastes different..not better just different..more chocolatey i guess..i love not dissolving all the milo powder coz after adding milk and leaving it to stand, you get clumps of milo powder floating to the top yums! ![]() had a huge cheesy scone from sun moulin for lunch..cut open and spreaded with butter of course! ![]() dinner was when i overstuffed again..i love my mum's steamed fish..used to hate fish esp fish that weren't fried but ever since she came up with the idea of steaming fish with tons of tomatoes topped with black-bean sauce and mushrooms, i've been loving steamed fish..oh i used to hate tomatoes before this too! ![]() ate too much charsiew and roasted pork..but it was good! and when i stopped eating coz i felt full, i realised i haven't had the almond and sesame paste my mum bought as well! )): and i had to eat it! so totally overate coz i was too full to walk after dinner. okay i realised an eating diary posts can be rather boring but it's gonna be like that for the next 18 more days! whee..the days are passing really quickly. no exercise today coz i was super tired after the whole string of lessons without breaks. had pp3 meeting after 6pm as well..victor brought this jap rice krispy with chocolate snack to share with all of us. i'm so gonna get it after the 21 days. and dunk it in milk! lisa said there's a more lau-horng korean imitation at coop! Day 2 - Monday
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
![]() woke up around noon so no brekkie again. i'd have slept in til later but my mum called around then and had good news. OCBC has this offer where you spent an amount of money and you could go redeem a free ipod nano the new one! she was asking me whether she should get the pink or black one. blaaack! haha but i could see my mum really liked the pink one. she still got the black one though. no pictures today since i forget to snap them until after i've finished them and also i'm kinda lazy to upload pics had the sugar cheese load from yesterday and coco crunch (? i can't spell this) with milk. felt hungry again at 3 so i had a slice of cheese cake and another slice at 5 ): felt really bad since i kinda strayed from the diet so i msged my dad to get him to go down to the park with me. i waited for him in my shorts and tee until i started falling asleep at the table. so i went to my bed to take a nap. and he came home like minutes after i layed down grrr finally upped the distance to 5k today! but my calves are turning monstrously huge due to all the running. want to take a break for awhile for it to go back down but it was such hard work going from a miserly 1.4k to where i'm now. don't wanna lose the stamina and start all over again. so now i've to choose between thick calves or having to go through months of upping the distance all over again. over dinner on saturday, ps said that the guys in his platoon run 10k in about 30mins. that's ridiculous! i was really pushing myself today and did 5k in 35mins graah. no wonder i see all the fit old men in their tailored white running shorts and furry headbands passing me ALL THE TIME. Day 1 - Sunday
Monday, November 03, 2008
![]() after the superb dimsum on friday and the jap buffet on saturday, i've decided that i've indulged enough and that i'm going on a 21 day diet starting today. it's not really a diet where i starve myself but more of not overeating. coz i tend to do that if i don't remind myself. i've a really bad habit of overstuffing myself. it happened back in p6 as well as as the end of sec school and it's back now. i think it was instigated by the start of prata suppers. AND the discovery of the bomb prata ))): for the past few months, i've been taking nightly snack times past midnight coz there were suppers aplenty during the summer hols and my stummy was super used to food in it at that time. so i'm gonna have a food diary for the next 20 days and hopefully it'd curb my overeating. woke up in the afternoon on sunday ((: had a cranberry bread with cheese stuffing ![]() as well as a half-eaten green tea steamed cake. ![]() managed to stay away from this cheese sugar loaf as well as this macs hashbrown that was on the table. ((: usually i'd down those two as well, along with a cup of milo with loads of condensed milk! i'm a sucker for condensed milk! back during my overstuffing days in sec sch, i could just drink condensed milk by the spoonfuls straight from the container. managed to stay food-free (though my sis informed me there was over-baked cheese cake in the fridge ): one of my faves) until my parents came back with food from the 85 market in the evening. stummy was grumbling by then so i had dinner although i was planning to go for a run. had two tangyuans with almond soup ((:, the fab porridge from 85 (this taste better with the runny egg), satay beehoon as well as chicken wings. haha kinda straying away from the diet huh ![]() went for a 4.5k walk around the tampines neighbourhood since i skipped my usual sunday run. and mel showed me gmaps on friday. this has got to be one of the best thing google came up with. came back from it really hungry so i had this huge bowl of fruits with oranges, plums, kiwi, strawberries and grapes in a bid to fill myself up, my mum buys soo much fruits coz our family don't really eat vegetables. gave in to honey stars and milk around 10pm coz i was still hungry! ![]() overall, i thought it wasn't too bad a day as sunday is the day i eat the most. and i woke up too late to head to my grandma's so no usual family lunch. my family has this habit of trying food that had good critiques from makansutra and the likes every sunday before heading to my grandma's.
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