chez Agnès
floating on a saturday
Saturday, April 03, 2010

saturday morning was crazy because i woke up at 8.38am. when work started at 8.30am. yes i must be insane. time at work just....kinda passed.

weiqi invited us to her church's easter production, so i went along with leedee! i'm gonna be awful sad when he leaves. work's fun with him around! i'm gonna miss weiqi too...she just got posted to a different pharmacy and she's only working half-days so no lunch tgt!!!

met the 19 guys the previous night. we were supposed to catch a movie but tickets were sold out so we made our own movie screening at titus' place. watched this show called The Man Who Stared at Goats. euyewwwww....the guys loved it, i on the other hand fell asleep. was pretty annoyed when titus announced my falling asleep even though he was at the other end of the room from me! rarr! we played wii for awhile then headed out to supper......oooh so that's why i couldn't wake up the following morning for work.

and the sparkley eyes when greeting enemies concept in the show and the sun salute just tickled me so, so here's the sun salute...nonsensical showwww....

Mother Earth…
my life support system…
as a soldier…
I must drink your blue water…
live inside your red clay and eat your green skin.

I pray…
my boots will always kiss your face and my footsteps match your heartbeat.

Carry my body through space and time…
you are my connection to the Universe…
and all that comes after.

I am yours and you are mine.
I salute you.

and i have videos of alex taking shirt measurements for tickly's hilarious! woah better not say too much. i'm tickly myself!