chez Agnès
Friday, August 07, 2009

just witnessed a huge blowup, and right after that i felt so stressed, i had this immediate need to stuff myself with food. i guess that means i'm the kind of person who turns to food for comfort. not very healthy.

have been enjoying work alot. chatting with colleagues bout nonsensical stuff while packing and returning meds. visiting the pasar malam fruit stall coz today's fruit day. i actually bought a japanese melon for 10 bucks home. since my mum's been going on and on about how she regrets not buying a japanese melon when we were in tokyo. they cost like 50 bucks over there. and talking bout 50 bucks, my colleague spent 50 bucks on fruits.

and i broke my thumbnail..ugh not feeling so good. think i'll sleep early tonight. i need retail therapy again. and i really need to cut my fingernails!